Monday, October 7, 2013


'ello my internet friends,

hope you are all doing well. I haven't posted anything for a while primarily because i didnt feel like there was anything i really wanted to/was convicted to talk about. But then i had a special request from a friend to blog about something that happened today. So here i am!

But first let me give you a little back story (as it seems i do anytime i blog..). Fall is in full force in the Palouse; leaves turning brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red abound, Pumpkin Spice lattes returned to starbucks, and it is once again possible to look cute (by campus standards) without necessarily looking like a skank (to be quite frank..). 

This weekend was a lot of fun, i got to hang out with my man before he left for a church conference, ate yummy sushi, and got a free pair of boots (what female college student wouldnt be excited for free shoes?! score!). This evening after my molecular biology class was over i went to starbucks to study and indulge my PSL cravings. 

The table next to me was occupied by a couple of sorority sisters, and no amount of smooth jazz could drown out their conversation. For a while I was able to concentrate on my comparative politics studies, when unintentionally i overheard what exactly they were talking about. 
if you dont want other people knowing about your private/potentially embarrassing personal business  pick a more private location where people wont hear you and then proceed to blog about it...just say'n.
anywhoo one of the girls divulged about her love life (or lack there of). From the sounds of it, she has many guy friends whom many of try to flirt with her. She seemed confused and just didnt understand why they were acting the way they were. Now im not a relationship expert or anyting, but i felt like i had some advice to give her. 

1) This may upset many people/i know many have strong feelings about this topic BUT this is my blog so i can voice my own opinion (if you have a different standpoint blogs are free so make your own and say whatever you like)So here it goes: i think it is near impossible for guys and girls to be just friends..there i said it. For girls (my self included)we may try to convince our selves otherwise, but lets be honest, thats bologna. Many times when i tried to be just friends with guys, i talked myself out of seeing the signs that a guy liked me. Which in the end just hurt the relationship because i didnt acknowledge feelings and unintentionally led some on. For guys, they just liked being close to a member of the opposite sex, with perhaps future hopes of getting mindful this is not meant to be a generalization but just based on my experience.

Additionally, i can not count how many people i know that ended up dating/getting engaged to/married to persons whom they originally just wanted a friendship out of. And this is a good thing. Getting to know someone before those big decisions is important. God designed us to have attractions to the opposite sex, so it is no surprise when we start to view even the least likely of our friends/acquaintances/whomever of the opposite gender, in a relationship context.  

2) if i had approached this young lady, i imagine myself talking to her in a slow, southern, caring yet stern voice saying "Gurl, you just need to get your head outta that gutta. No body has time for immature people. Now go find a grown a-- man who will treat you with honor and respect you and not play mind games. And also you dont need all that makeup, you are beautiful as you are." 
Finding a partner who will be uplifting and supportive is super important. 

But need not be in a rush! Dont feel like finding a boyfriend/girlfriend will be the answer to______ (fill in the blank). Relationships are work. Wait for God to bring someone into your life. Remember that when persons in the Bible got impatient and did things themselves, good things happened (sometimes). But when they listened to God and waited for his divine timing miraculous things happened and many people were impacted in a positive way. So let him do all the hard work, all we need to do is work on ourselves and our relationship with God, preparing ourselves for what He has in store for us. 

Of course being single is not always easy, but i always had these things in mind: 
while being single you can: choose whatever you want on tv, eat whatever you want, go where you want, save money, actually get studying/homework done

of course in a relationship these things dont matter as much as they once did, and you would rather/gratefully/willingly spend time with your signification other than being a free spirit and getting whatever you wanted; now you want to compromise and joyfully do things you might have thought irritating before (again not a generalization, just a possible similarity) 

Discussions about this topic can go on forever, but this is just a readers digest version of what i have learned thus far  I still have much much much more to learn but i welcome whatever comes next!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

No God, No!

Ever ask God something and regret it later? Well i have. 

The story begins this past labor day weekend. I went camping in usk, WA with my college group. It was loads of fun. Between riding a motorcycle for the first time, shooting watermelons and tomatoes, hiking and digging in the Word with my peers; I had an awesome time. 

One of the days i stayed in the cabin while the others went slack-lining (basically hipster tight-rope walking) near the creek. I attempted to take a nap, but a pesky fly kept disturbing me. After the fly was dealt with i decided to take my bike and go on some of the trails in the woods and make my way towards the creek.

The creek was very tranquil. Sounds of water rippling, birds chirping, and the smell of evergreen trees surrounded me. I was reminded of verses in the Bible that referenced water; how Jesus had calmed the water; healing waters; God leading us to water; Jesus walking on water, etc. I put in my headphones and played some of my fav christian artist's songs and went and sat in the creek. At first the cold water was shocking, but eventually i got used to the frigged temperature (either that or i just went numb..) 

I started to think about various devotions that had been discussed over the course of the weekend; how i could see God in all of the speakers and how passionate and willing they were to share. I felt (and feel) blessed to have such great people in my life; it is truly answered prayer. As i sat there though, i noticed how of late i had been comfortable in my walk and faith in God. Dont get me wrong, im not doubting Him; but i feel that we learn the most when we are pushed outside our comfort zone and into situations that our inner nature would rather avoid or even think about. So with this in mind, I asked God to show me areas where i still had to grow; things i still needed to learn; or reveal to me things that i think i know, but am in reality naive to. 

I didn't know what i was asking to say the least. 

The week following was full of little tests, and it took me a couple of days to realized these troublesome events for what they were (lessons sent from God because i asked for it!). I questioned myself, why would anyone ask for more confusion, sadness, or doubt? Im not sure if i passed these 'tests' though. My first thought is that it might be a good sign that i recognized them for what they were. Furthermore i believe i handled the situations better than previously, I let others know what was going on, what was bothering me, and asked to be prayed over. At least one success is that i didnt cry..victory? 

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

This verse brought to mind something my pastor reminded me of during our internship meeting this week. That God is always with us. Many people have a idea that God is somewhere 'out there' in space, and sees over us on earth, watching us from above. Yet this leads to views that God doesn't have a place in our everyday activities; and He does and desires to do so! Remember the sinners prayer? We ask God into our hearts. He is in us! He is always with us! We dont have to worry what the world brings or scary things that happen, all we have to do is be obedient and rely on God. Personally, i found this daunting at first. It is a lot of responsibility representing Christ all the time. Of course being human we are bound to make mistakes, which may reflect poorly on Christianity and God. Yet this isnt for me to be overly concerned with. It is God's job to work on the nay-sayer's heart; because He knows the root of their varying ways. 

Hannah Dykes

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Heard Around Town

"You are killing my vibe"

Yep, someone really did say that intentionally.

To understand the context a little, let me tell you a short story. So one friday night some of my friends and i decided to spread cheer along greek row by passing out cookies, an idea borrowed from one of my roommates. Now for all you who dont know, living/being on greek row is not ideal. First of all I struggle to get any sleep because of all the noise of drunk people, obnoxious music, and sirens from ambulances and cruisers. I seriously considered getting in my car and going to some parking lot so i could sleep during syllabus week.. Then there is all the trashy aftermath in the morning. Anywho so we walked around passing the cookies out; some people were skeptical that we put something extra in them, whilst others were receptive and wondered why we were being nice. The key is to be really outgoing, telling (well, almost yelling) people that they want a cookie. That is when we heard a girl tell another girl that she was killing her vibe. After we ran out of food we just drove around college hill, with my passengers making sheep noises at the pedestrians. 

School so far is steady. I have a lot to do, but am staying organized in an attempt to keep myself on task. I also stopped working so i could focus on areas that would be most beneficial to me in the long run. What is odd though is when TA's or professors ask you how to do something, not because they want to test your knowledge, but they actually dont know. (that happened in my Stats lab this morning..)

At work though i did encounter interesting people. On my last day for instance, the store was slammed with customers (at 9 pm..) so i had to be a cashier even though i technically worked in apparel and home-lines. One customer literally danced the entire time i rang him up, and another replied 'Great, just thinking of you.' after i asked him how he was..creepy,, i just looked at him. 

Possibly the most important thing though that i have heard this week comes from Matthew 20. I have been hearing it and reading it from multiple sources, so i figure if it is a recurring theme, then i better pay attention. 

 " ..Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

To be honest, i have no idea how many times i have read this verse. But it is not until this week that i have understood its importance. In our (well at least for me, dont want to generalize here) lives, many try to find ways on how they can serve God, through good works, worship, helping the church, and so on. Here though He is saying he didnt come to be served. huh? its true. Many times throughout scripture God asks others how they can be helped and what there needs are (although he already knows). If we want our lives to reflect christ, then we have to model his examples, serve others and obey God. Im sure it will take more time for me to fully develop my understanding, but this has been a quantum leap in my faith.

In my own experiences, when i have served others with joy and gladness, without an agenda or selfish motives, persons around me are truly appreciative and start to wonder what is causing me to act in a way that is set apart from societal norms. 

-Hannah Dykes

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School School School! (yes that is a HIMYM reference)

Halfway through week 1 of fall semester, looks like it will be a killer, full of math, chemistry, and molecular biology. (eww) My most exciting class though is Animal Science 174 which is a beef cow-calf management lab. I will get my own cow, halter train it and present it in a showmanship class. I plan on naming it moofasa. (yes that is a lion king reference) OH and i almost sat in a lecture that wasnt even mine (i actually didnt even have class then...slightly embarrassing).

What has really been on my mind though is a question i received by a visitor last sunday at church. I told her how i had gone to a private christian high school since pre-K and the transition to a large public university. She asked me how life was like as a Christian at a secular university. In the moment i did not really know what to say. Honestly i dont notice most people in my classes since i sit in the first row and cant see everyone. Then afterwards i retreat to the quiet of the library to study or just to relax. 

Upon futher thought though, i did realize that my faith does make a difference on my everyday life even in class. For example, last semester i took human development 205, which for me was too touchy-feely and at times felt like a slumber party where you tell all your secrets and what has happened in your life to shape your decisions. In that though I was able to share my faith.

I would say that my faith shapes how i view the world and treat others. That my faith guides my actions and is basically the foundation for everything.

What i was shocked to find out though is by me sharing this with my classmates, they felt more comfortable sharing their beliefs. Surprisingly (in a good way) a majority of my peers said they were christian and actually attended church, and this was coming from people who were in sororities and fraternities! (so much for stereotypes. did i mention i almost joined a sorority? story for later) -random thought..if a fraternity is a 'frat', then is a sorority a 'sore'?..

While the 'culture shock' of being surrounded by loud obnoxious parties/people and having to learn evolution based material has not hit me as hard as others, it still is at times difficult. I see it as a way for me to grow and learn.

 My advice is to become part of a community with like minded individuals.  In this way we can be spurred on in Christ with a support system. I loved/love it when i was/am homesick and of the adults invites me to lunch or their house. Pullman in this way has truly become a home for me. 

-Hannah Dykes

Saturday, August 10, 2013

When in doubt, blog it out.

Funny story, I created this blog a while back but have never published anything (psych that wasn't funny, at all). The idea of writing somewhat personal thoughts and such on the internet to readers whom I may or may not know (assuming I have readers in the first place), seemed odd. Besides, I do enough writing for school, let alone for extracurricular activities. 

Anywho I decided to commit to posting on my blog once in a while. Reason being that 1) perhaps help/inspire/motivate/entertain someone and 2) give myself a platform on which I can relate to others and connect. Heck it might even improve my writing skills. Well, probably not since I predict that I will be using slang and other grammar no-no's.

What you may expect to read on my website is my adventures as a sophomore at Washington State University, an employee of a fortune 500 company, an intern at Pullman Foursquare Church, and someone who loves life and a good laugh now and then. 

-Hannah Dykes 

ps if you are wondering, a palindrome is a word that can be spelled both forwards and backwards identically, like my name. and if you already knew that, congrats, the educational system is working! to some extent at least..